Consumer demand is high and growing for textiles and nonwoven fabrics that have features like eye-catching prints, vibrant dyes, water resistance, and more. But, many textiles and nonwovens don’t take well to dyes, prints, and other treatments due to having low surface energy. When consumers see textiles with poor quality dyes or prints, or which don’t repel liquids as advertised, or otherwise don’t meet their expectations, they’ll pass you over for a better product.
With corona treatment for textiles and nonwovens, you can ensure your product meets customer expectations and avoid being passed over for another product. This process works by exposing the surface of the textile to a high voltage electrical discharge. This discharge ionizes the air around the material and creates the “corona discharge” that gives the process its name. The corona discharge interacts with the material on a molecular level, creating invisible changes that massively increase the ability of inks and other coatings to adhere to the fabric.
The benefits of corona treatment for textiles and nonwovens include:
- Improved wettability and adhesion properties of the surface.
- Improved adhesion of coatings, laminates, and adhesives to the surface of the material.
- Improved printability, making it easier to print on the surface of the material.
- Enhanced dyeability, leading to more vibrant and durable colors.
- Improved water and oil repellency, making the material more resistant to liquids.
- Improved surface cleanliness, which reduces the risk of contamination and other issues that can impact product quality.
Corona treatment can be used on a wide range of textile and nonwoven materials, including synthetic fibers, natural fibers, and blends of these materials. The treatment is commonly used in the production of a wide range of products, including apparel, home textiles, and nonwoven products such as disposable medical garments and hygiene products.
Examples of fabrics and materials that benefit from corona treatment include: